a Kapha balancing dish made of mung dal, rice (or quinoa), vegetables and lots of healing plant power. Preferably with fresh tomato chutney. Yummm
the perfect lunch to bring outdoor. vegan, healthy, safe, pure, balancing and supporting your digestion = immune system. On sunny summer days don’t worry, you can bring them in the sunlight and they will stay nice.
You can keep them well for 2-3 days on a cool place.
Ingredients for about 15 sweet little pancake cookies
50 gr
50 gr green mung dal
1 spoon fresh ginger
½ ts asafoetida
½ ts
½ ts cumin powder
½ ts curcuma
¼ ts black pepper
100 gr very thin sliced vegetable
4 spoon fresh coriander (or basil, mint, etc)
1 ts Himalaya salt
the rice and mung dal (the little green beans) together in water for
one spoon of ghee or
Side dish
The best way to eat those

inspired by Rada, check her Ayurvedic cooking courses